Saturday, September 11, 2010

Same Place Blues

LC nomming some chocolate at AWP Denver 2010

Sitting in another coffee shop today. I am failing miserably at my new years resolution to drink less of the stuff. Oh, except I got a smoothie today! So, actually, good for me.

I'm sitting here, and I just saw some young teens come in with backpacks. Then, I had the funny idea that this is a successful place, so it will probably be here in five years--will they? Ten? I just realized that there are no regular places I go to that I have gone to consistently throughout my life. No little chocolate shops, no cafes, no movie theaters, nothing. I mean, really that's it. My family all have moved around tons, and so have I. I have loved places, but no familiar ones--none that I have seen every year for at least ten years. It's actually weird when you think about it. It's also weird to think that eventually I may stay somewhere for fifteen years...will I be absolutely nuts then?

Next time you're going to the same ol' restaurant you've been to a million times over since childhood. Be a little grateful for me, would you?

I like the way you comb your hair.
I like those stylish clothes you wear.

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