Thursday, September 29, 2022

Matchbox 20 Has Nothing On Me

Someone's only your competition as long as they live in your mind as your competition. If you stop thinking about them, you're no longer competing with them, by definition.

If you stop thinking about everyone, you're no longer competing at all.

Last night I asked Puhg, "Am I special? Am I like a human cotton candy?"

A seasoned dodger of my traps, he responded, "You are if that's what you want to be." Then he added, "You can not care because you're cotton candy, or you can be cotton candy and not care." Seemed very deep in the moment. But what do I know? I'm just a girl with severe insomnia, sitting in her living room at 3 AM, finishing a Barbie script, willing her hamster to come out and join her in this lounge chair.