Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Missouri Loves Company

In starting new things you often come across snags and bumps and jostley old bridges. It has been incredibly comforting for me to be talking to other people who agree with me. I mention what happened with this paperwork, with that person, with those situations...and people don't jump on the negative bus, but they say, "Oh, that's not acceptable!" Or, "I hope you did something about that." It's ESPECIALLY wonderful when the situation is the same. When someone says, "Oh, I know that process, I went through that, that was no good." I'm like, "Yeah! Thank you for seeing that!"

I really don't believe we are meant to agree with problems and Wrong an feed it...but it is necessary for others to let you have that. To be the person to say What You Are Feeling Is Valid. I've Been There. Not in the Oh, Boo Hoo, Everyone's Been There way, but the Yeah. Here's How I Did It way. I thank you. I thank you all who see That and who speak up for it. Who reassure, who reunite, who rekindle love and hope.

And I could make you pay and pay, but I could never make you stay.

This photo makes me happy and grateful. August 2010.

1 comment:

KDunt said...

awwwww i love us so much!!