Thursday, September 2, 2010

Reunion 20Dime

Last weekend had a reunion with my elementary/first high school friends. Hadn't seen them in years. It was nice--but weird. Yet another strange effect of Facebook. It's really never that long since you've seen someone. I look forward to college reunions where no one has seen my face in a decade. But, the reunion, yes, the photo above shows the nice happiness of a relaxing night.

There was this one day I spent like...twenty minutes looking at an acquaintance's wedding photos on The Book. Then, randomly, I saw her at the gym. I was like, "Oh, hey." And she was sort of like, "Oh...I haven't seen you in a long time..." and it was clear she was thinking, "Why is Alice acting all crazy non-chalant to an old pal?!" and then my eyes bugged out of my head because I was being a total jerk! D'oh.

I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me.

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