Monday, February 7, 2011

Things I Miss about Summer Camp

-the smell of the dining room, especially at breakfast, ESPECIALLY when croissants have been made
-when the kids sing the song about the creepy butcher who cuts up pets for his sausages
-the sound of the waves as I am falling asleep
-admiring a fire at least once a week
-misty mornings on the stretch of road I run
-seeing sailboats on the lake
-when kids really commit to the lip sync competition
-wearing trashy running shorts 24/7
-being in the buzzing kitchen after hours
-the green rocking chairs on the deck
-teaching Sunday School
-one piece of mail feeling like a huge gulp of air
-names of campers past written with Sharpies on the walls
-Sunday morning donuts
-singing as the sun sets
-remembering all the wonderful women who stood where I stood, prayed where I prayed
-remembering years of Alice past, and all the wonderful girls who stood with me, laughed where I laughed

On on your lovely woody banks, we dream beneath the shade
and offer up again our thanks. Your memories ne'er will fade.

Summer 2010, Traverse City


KDunt said...

So many loves for this post. Also SO many loves for that picture!!! Talk about a breath of fresh air whilst I'm over here in cray-cray land. LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Trelawny said...

that picture makes me sad