Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Questions Answered

There are these little questions that as a child you think you will eventually just know the answer to--not the meaning of life etc. Those you figure out pretty quickly are not answerable. I mean things that seem to have answers, but you're just never gunna find out.

Somehow, in the past week, these little questions' answers have been springing up in front of me.

1. I volunteer at a battered woman's shelter babysitting kids while their mommas have a bit of relaxation betwixt job/new apartment/ new life hunting. Last week at work I had a song I learned in pre-school "A, You're Adorable" stuck in my head. I know about half the song and have been maddened for, like, fifteen years not knowing the rest. That very day at the shelter one of the little girls immediately brought me a book to read her. It was called "A You're Adorable." It was a picture book of the song's lyrics. WHAAAAT?

Grinz reading at the shelter last week.

2. In 7th grade Sunday School a girl once asked about a spiritual text Mary Baker Eddy wrote which included a list of things people should not do. The list includes "witchcraft," and it is italicized. "Why?" we all wondered. Our teacher did not know. It seemed like one day I should figure it out, but as I knew MBE was dead I would never actually know. Well, dang if today someone didn't stand up in our Org service and say how he had just looked up witchcraft and figured out why that word was italicized. WHAAAAAT?

So. Now, all I am wondering...

3. In 6th grade my English class read Flight 116 Is Down by Caroline B. Cooney. The book basically begins with the horrifying plane crash. At the time, we were learning about the plot arc. Our teacher asked us, "If the plane crashes immediately...when is the climax of this book?" She let people guess, and we moved on. I still wonder when the real climax is. Obviously, I now know books don't have to have one climax (why should literature mimic the male orgasm?!?! thanx Virginia Woolf), but, still. When you're 12--those ponderings are tough to shake. At this rate, I will find an answer soon...

1 comment:

Kate said...

hmm...given what I remember about that book, I would say that it's maybe when we find out who among the wounded actually die? That's the suspenseful part, I think. I can't remember discussing that book for some reason but I definitely remember reading it...and that snotty girl in it who was unscathed (IRONY OMG!)