Thursday, May 13, 2010

Made Up

yesterday during rehearsal--a photo proving to a friend snail mail was on its way

Tonight was "dress rehearsal" uno. I use the term lightly because there was much goofing, trippin', yelping (when my hairpiece fell out), stopping, forgetting, etc.

Point: Full hair, make-up, and costume. The middle one is the important one.

As soon as I "put my face on" literally three girls jumped as they approached me saying, "I couldn't even tell it was you." Several men commented, "You look pretty.", and as I just entered my hall three more women said, "You look so nice/pretty/good."

My hair is the same. My clothes are t-shirts and running shorts. It is the GD make-up.

I do look different, and I do use make-up to get made-up. To look prettier. I mean that's the point. But, for some always strikes me as funny. That little dark pencil marks under my eyes make me look "better", that we can conditioned ourselves to see rosy cheeks and say "Lookin' good."

right now

I want a girl who will laugh for no one else.
When I'm away she puts her make-up on the shelf.

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