Sunday, April 1, 2012

SVC* Called Me From a Cab in Brooklyn at 2 AM Last Night:

On the road to AZ. 2011.

"Do you know my parents still ask about you? They love you. My mom was worried when [I passed up a kind of cool professional job because I didn't feel like I was ready for it]. She was like, 'I hope Alice doesn't sell herself short, because she's very talented. I hope she does something instead of wasting her life'--which you're doing. Well, she didn't say that. I'm saying that."


*SVC used to be called Vince in this blog.

1 comment:

jamesbicon said...

Cab manners may not seem important - you don't need to get through evening meal with the new in-laws, for example - but for those who journey regularly, understanding what and what not to do in taxis cab is important.

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