Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mainstreet Mems

It's this time in the semester I get nostalgic for childhood. I rarely wish for times before the present. For the most part, I'm always the happiest I've ever been. I didn't like my childhood. I don't want to go back there...most of the time. It's nights like tonight though--nights where I already greased up my inner kid with a comedy group dinner and playtime at Dave & Buster's, nights where I come home exhausted to a huge stack of scripts to grade--that make me long for the littlest things.

Blockbuster. It was half a mile away, and I could spend an hour browsing.
Pressing the "on" button for the tree-lighting ceremony after Thanksgiving.
The tan paper mache shapes in Ben Franklin.
Penny candy baskets. Mary Janes and candy cigarettes.
Green River at the counter of the 50s drugstore. The big medical RX on the awning.
The orange bubble letters of Golden Shoes.
The big padded chair at the window of the library, right next to the water fountain.
The sweet sugar cookies, stuck together with fudge and dipped in chocolate. Grooves like clams. The cartoon wedding cake on the bakery front sign.

I repeat, I have so much grading to do, but, I might just fall asleep. I wish I could be a bad student--or even mediocre--for these next two weeks, but, no, I will knock myself out. It's just what happens.

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