Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fracas 2012

Was at an improv festival all weekend with these yahoos.

I'll leak ideas and memories from this trip in the future. For now, I must watch Modern Family and get under covers and go to bed extremely early.

A Couple Evident Things:
-I am grateful to be part of such a funny rag-tag bunch of clowns.
-It was a treat--A TREAT--to be with chums of yore (Jamin and Dizz) like we were actual friends--oh, no big, just a movie here and coffee there. I miss that feeling with so many people. I ask my sister to hang out weekly.
-Improv is wonderful, and I love it, but I am SO GLAD I don't want to pursue it professionally.
-Or necessarily any pro acting to be honest. SWEET HONEY LOAF, LA does not appeal to me.
-EVEN SO! I am quite excited to take a longform intensive in July. It is official. I have made the down-payment. Sometimes we can't see the end result, or even begin to guess what it will be, but we are called to do something, and life is too short not to follow that call.
-Laughing is great.
-It's all going to work out!

I do not want it to be Monday tomorrow, but, guess what? It is.

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