Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Three Sick Days

Pops making bird calls with a blade of grass in Germany. 2011.

Fell asleep waiting for the bus,
wasn't tired--just overworked--even in 4th Grade.
I carried around
some heavy weights.
I woke up at 11
to a loud Eagle Eye commercial
on the radio.
I had probably been called in sick, I thought.
There was snot on my face, dried.

I got extremely nauseous at the beauty parlor
the day my Poms team got to go for free.
Had to go home early. Dad was making a rotisserie chicken and Mom was watching The Wedding Planner.
So many reasons to throw up.

This one time,
I know I was sick,
but it didn't feel too bad.
Mid-morning my dad rented
a Ray Romano comedy
that I really liked.
(I was only 12 or so.)
And I laid on the couch, with the JC Penny tan blinds
stringing me with slivers of sun.
Dad typed away in the corner.
I snuggled into the cushions.

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