Friday, September 18, 2009

Mustard Mouth

Call-backs went really well for the play. Bradley and I were dismissed early--assumed we'd be getting the parts we had been reading for. He had missed dinner, so we went to the pub. We were yukking it up, having a gay old time, you know. Anyway, Nac joins us and we get even goofier. The three of us can plumb get out of hand. Nac's food came, so we had settled slightly. I felt overwhelmed with love suddenly.

For some reason I really cherish the longevity of relationships. That's not to say there is a hierarchy based on time with me. I am just as close to Muff as I may ever be to anyone else. And we've only had one extended conference weekend, summer correspondence, and a few dinner dates between us. I just feel so touched that I (or we as humans--either way) have the ability to keep people in my/our lives. It just tickles me every time I consider it.

So. Bradley and Nac. I loved my first quarter at college. I LOVED it. I felt so happy all the time, and I was sad to see it go. It was funny going back and talking about it. I felt I couldn't do it justice. My three best friends (so far): KHo, Bradley, and Nac meant the world to me. Although my relationships to those people have risen and fallen through time, I get gushy thinking about how much I still love them now--three years and so much change later.

Anyway, I'm a firm believer in letting people know when they are loved. So, I stopped. Narrowed my gaze. Prepared my heartfelt words. I turned to them and said, "Guys. I am just really glad--" and Bradley leapt across the table shoving a bottle of mustard in my mouth.

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