Thursday, September 24, 2009

Drawn There

In Fiction Writing II this week we were to draw a line that symbolized our life. Then, without thinking, we were to pick a spot on it at random. I closed my eyes and picked a slope that symbolized the summer before fifth grade--my last summer I didn't spend at camp. Then we were to jot down the first object we saw in the room. A bag of Jay's potato chips. I was in the TV room. I pictured my father there at his computer writing and my sister slouched in the doorway.

Now, we are to fictionalize a story about this moment. My professor asked, "Surely you must have been drawn there for some reason. What led you here? Find the impulse and go". But, I'll be darned, I can't find the impulse to save my life.

Why was the first thing in my subconscious myself, a bag of chips, and television?

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