Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hooray for Arizona Day!

Tuesday was Arizona Day! Not statewide, but certainly me-wide.

It was my last day with my aunt's friend (Maf). I woke up early and went running to soak in the desert and mountains one more time before becoming a city girl. I was having a pleasant time until while swinging backward, my right hand flew into a cactus--and it stuck to me. I thought cacti were prickly, sure, but I didn't know they attacked. A bulb of the plant popped right off and it's needles were thoroughly wedged into my hand. It was extremely painful--my knee jerk reaction was to grab it out with my other hand. A DOY the cactus just pierced that hand too. After some wincing and blood, I got at least one hand free and made my embarrassed way back to the house with a huge chuck of cactus on me. I learned that combs are the best way to free cacti from skin and that the pain goes away instantly once the needles have been pulled. WELCOME TO AZ!

Maf had free passes to the university Petroglyph museum! Petroglyphs are drawings/chipping on rocks made my ancient peoples. I expected to find it interesting, but I was incredibly inspired. People from thousands of years ago made these designs we can only blindly guess about, and I was staring at them wondering. I can't begin to describe the freedom I felt from walking around the exhibit. WELCOME TO AZ!

As a bonus we stopped at the bird rescue place Maf volunteer's at. Again, I figured I'd be interested, but I ended up overjoyed to see tiny owls and other desert animals. WELCOME TO AZ!

In late afternoon, I made my way to my new condo and spent about an hour or so emptying the car and beginning organization. Then, a second year grad student in my program invited me out for dinner. While I asked a bunch of questions about classes and professors, he gave me a little driving tour of the area. WELCOME TO AZ!

When I got home my roommate and his girlfriend asked if I would join them for homemade tira misu. Uh DOY. They had another friend over, so we ate and then played a board game. WELCOME TO AZ!

Doesn't it seem like everything's comin' up roses?

Look at the bottom right of the rock. It's two deer kissing. Petroglyph!

1 comment:

Jan said...

You guys were great guests and are welcome to visit our carefree cottage any time.