Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dream October 7th, 2010

There was an important dream in last night's sleep. Rather, an important part in last night's dream. I was in a truck with this random person I know from college--we're not friends. We came to an intersection and saw a handsome man slam on his breaks at the red light. We were adjacent to him and had the green. We both saw him, recognized him as this cool dude we knew, and then we saw him scream an expletive, his face blood with anger, his hands smack the steering wheel. As we made a left turn, he saw us too, smiled very enthusiastically, and wave. My carmate and I burst into laugher at the sudden change in temperance. The man in the other car smiled genuinely and began to chuckle at himself as well.

We can be so angry in one moment, but if the right person walked by, everything would be sunshine again. We always see anger as an entity of its own--out of control, but it's really not. It's actually manageable--especially outwardly. And, really, it is quite silly. When you think about it.

Birthday Breakfast--2010

Better find yourself a place to level out.
Got a cricket for a conscience, always looks the other way.


courtneyfloatsyourboat said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

courtneyfloatsyourboat said...

Like, can this be published? The whole freaking blog.