Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ten Things about Spring Break 2013

-Running downtown in my pink sportsbra and pink shorts and pink Nikes and The Resistance on repeat.
-Bisque singing "Gangnam Style" at me while I procrastinated jumping in my pool . It was frigid, Monday at 10 PM, but we wanted to have a handstand competition.
-Texting The Craft quotes with Ro. 90s Neve!
-Last Five Years and Into the Woods harmonies with Ru in my sunny bedroom. Don't we get to be happy, Cathy?
-Phone date with Kath. Necessary.
-Actually getting a lot of writing done and not hating it, not even a little.
-Figuring things out! Figuring them out!
-Irish soda bread.
-Scene is Tuesday's improv set about a family with genetic brain farts.
-Deep cleaning the bathroom.

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