Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Prettiest Little Piggy in Show Biz

I love me some 30 Rock. I am just so freakin' close to a few very important elements of the show:

-sketch comedy and references to improv
-Tina Fey

Ever since I was in high school, people have told me I look like Tina Fey.

Fall 2005, Ty and I

Also, her awkward ambiance, self-damaging humor, horrific relationships, lame jokes, and overall, HER LOVE OF FOOD strikes way too close to home with me. I like Liz Lemon probably because I like myself, and to see another writer/comic pigging out and relentlessly dressing like a trashbag just makes my general behavior feel vindicated somehow.

But, here is what I have never liked about Miss Liz Lemon. She IS played by Tina Fey. Tina IS a TV Star. She had to lose hella pounds to get there no less. So, while I (and probably millions of other young female work-a-holics) feel satisfied to see Fey chowing on a whole roast of ham as we plow through trays of Chips Ahoy...we don't actually maintain the cinema style, shape, and overall hottness that Fey does. Which leaves girls like me subconciously asking what we're not doing right when we can't pull off the "I-am-in-a-hoody-and-nasty-pony-tail-and-just-ate-a-box-of-Cheeze-Its-but-still-look-hott."

Anyway, here is a longer article pertaining to other aspects of Tina Fey/Liz Lemon etc. from a feminist perspective...I just wanted to get my piece about the chubby Fey thinning down so she can play a grotesque distortion of "unattractive" on television. USA, USA, U-S-A!

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