Saturday, May 23, 2020

Celebration Day

The day I turned another year older this year was a great one. I woke up early, no real reason, around 6 AM. The texts streamed in throughout the morning. I ran two miles listening to all my favorite songs. Usually too much of a good thing, but appropriately indulgent Tuesday. I try to do the dishes between sprints and shower. I considered not doing them. Because of the occasion. But then I decided I really didn't mind.

I took a morning bath with my Lush Unicorn Horn bomb. The water was pink and glittery, tons of bubbles. I lit a peony candle and closed my eyes for a while. I made an oat milk coffee and ate a four peanut butter pretzels, answered emailed diligently and poked at one of my writing outlines. Business as usual is much easier with period dings about how I am important for now.

Lo's bag of tea treats arrived, Puhg picked up a cake, donuts from Kale. We donned masks and picked up my favorite salad. I ate it and watched TV. I forget what now. I did my hair and even added a dash of makeup. I had bought a brand new pink dress. In March I bought super fancy front row seats to a play for this day and this outfit was designed to match. We drove a bit outside LA where Yosh & Coors & Lex & JD live. The four of them came out in masks, dropped a tub of rice krispie treats in the driveway, wiped down in front of us. We chatted from far away, unable to see any recognizable face. After twenty minutes back on the road.

At home I looked through my photos and decided what to post on my Instagram while watching a livestream of the cast of WC. AP mentioned me and how I saved her from a snake two years ago. I posted a photo of me wearing a mask near my apartment's closed pool. More than usual it seemed people were around to send me a little attention. Puhg and I walked. I journaled about the year, I logged into my virtual therapy. I looked nice but didn't mention why. I talked about the mysteries I can't solve myself. I wonder if next year I will know more or just be in more peace.

I emerged from the bedroom very hungry and made a fancy cheese plate. I played half an hour of Animal Crossing. My fictional neighbors threw me a surprise party. Puhg was zonked. It's been literal months since we had more than one plan for a day. I opened the gifts that had been stacking in the foyer. We cut the cake, and he promptly fell asleep. I stayed up a bit reading a guy from one of my writing group's pitch materials. I wrote his feedback and sent it in to him just before midnight.

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