Sunday, February 23, 2014


LOOK at how gorgeous Bex is in this moment! We are sippin' iced toddies at a super hip coffee house in Tucson! We were both remarkably productive! In this moment, so much is funny, so much is at stake, so much is progressing. Forward!

I just got a haircut. I've put myself in a position of reevaluating my femininity and beauty. We discussed body image from the salon to Chipotle and into the hot tub of this Fairfield Inn.

Some maj thoughts:

-A lot of the cheesy stuff is true. Self-affirmation is a real hamburger helper. Don't fake it 'til you make it, fake it 'til you become it. We are not powerless to the attractiveness gods. We are anything but.
-Similarly, love others. Give it all out, it will come back. Probably three-fold.
-Focus on others' beauty...if you want. Why not focus on their achievements and personality first?
-Correct the erroneous thought in the first instance, or it will master you in the second. Negative imagine thought? Knock it out of the park. Then replace it. With something you actually care about.
-In a put of self-loathing, you can't do anything for anyone. DO something and you'll start to crawl out.
-Mentally atoning isn't nearly as good/effective as simply doing a new thing.

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