Tuesday, February 26, 2013

When Really It's Closer Than It Is Too Far

I KNOW I put myself here willingly, but I am miserable staring at this stupid script. And I KNOW what I am doing has no real stakes, but it does. It does. It does. If this doesn't then nothing does because this is actually something I care about and love (or at least that's what I thought at one point). I KNOW it's a made-up degree in making things up, but we made up our whole world. Every degree is made-up in making up! And every stupid degree has repercussions for the made-up careers we have! That make up our dumb careening existence!

...Okay, I can't tell if I'm arguing nihilism or the validity of the arts at this point. Whatever. MEANWHILE, there's a meat industry!

Woof. I'm listening to my "Middle Skewl" playlist today. DON'T JUDGE ME. "In Too Deep" indeed.

The faster we're falling, we're stopping and stalling.
We're running in circles again.
Just as things were lookin' up, you said it wasn't good enough,
but still we're tryin' one more time.

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