Friday, January 6, 2012

Remember the End

There's this concept in acting that actors are supposed to avoid at ALL COSTS called "endgaming," meaning thinking about the end of the scene or play before it happens. Acting is being in the moment--otherwise you're not playing a hopeful character who meets an unfortunate end, you're playing someone who seems to know her unfortunate end...and it will drag the whole show down.

I was told as an undergrad in acting classes that endgaming is best avoided in life as well. Like, just Be. Just enjoy what's around you. This is a popular societal concept for actors and non--the power of now and all that jazzercise.

But, sometimes, I think it's wise to remember the end.

Example: My dad was driving me to the airport a few days ago. We had left just enough time when, uh oh, as we pulled away from home the tire light went on. A leak! A pang of nervy shocked through me. We went to get air, and the car lurched over a curb. The tire just went flat, I thought. Mild panic. But, then I remembered the end. Catching flights always seems like a huge THING that has this power to ruin your life, but, actually, what would happen? I would just go to the airport the next day and catch another flight. Maybe pay a fee. I can deal with that. It'd really be okay. Then, I thought, "Yeah, but what if I had had class?" Then, I would have emailed the professor. It would have been okay. IT WILL BASICALLY ALWAYS BE OKAY. Just breathe, analyze why you're getting so bent out of shape, and recognize it will work out, be okay--maybe better.

Me and Pops on the Pacific. Last month.

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