Thursday, January 12, 2012


Chelle, lacking sleep. Sketch rehearsal. November 2011.

In Theatre Theory class today someone brought up a local high school production of Romeo and Juliet he just saw. The director set the play in WWII Germany. Romeo was a Nazi. Juliet a Jew. This is true. A local high school did this. During the end scene a banner with a huge Star of David wrapped around a swastika unfurled. Wow, I mean, wow.

We talked about this for a moment and promptly agreed this director was batty froot loops crayfish. But, you know what? Good for her. Because in art I think it's better to go crayfish than shellfish, you know what I mean? It's like, yeah you could look completely ridiculous, but you could have created something genius, and, furthermore, yeah, I think that production sounds bananas, but think of the awesome story all those kids have to tell for the rest of their LIVES. Think of how infrequently a high school play makes it into a graduate theory discussion.

And when you dream, dream big.
As big as the ocean blue.

1 comment:

Elleoneiram said...

For some reason this is really inspiring to me! Thanks for reminding me of this...