Sunday, December 25, 2011

True Meaning of Christmas

This morning I was sitting in church, and I was thinking about The True Meaning of Christmas. I think Jesus was a real neat dude. I know, I know, there's a good chance you probably don't believe he existed, and my theory is I don't really care. I like the guy--fiction or non, and I think we could learn a lot from his* lessons.

But I really don't think Christmas means Jesus to me. A. He probably wasn't really born December 25th. B. We should think about being good people all year (what I think Jesus symbolizes--or should). I don't love Christmas. I really don't. I like the build-up--like the songs and color schemes, but I find it a lame, sluggish, stressful, consumerist holiday BAGGGGH. I KNOW I RUIN EVERYTHING. Still, if I celebrate it, it should mean something. And, I think it does, but I don't know what exactly. Maybe family, I think. Something about it. Something about good cheer. I do believe in that. Peace--yes, I think peace is part of it. Bill Murray's Scrooged, stars, cute depictions of manger scenes, cookies, cartoon trees, George Bailey. I'm very very blessed to have my family.

I was icky sick on the drive from Pookie's to my dad's, so they drove. I sat in the front seat while my dad drove ahead in my car. After a while my sister's phone rang--"Checking on the Pookie," he said. My sister rubbed my neck.

Yesterday night I got to my mom's apartment in the city. "Voila!" she said. I had forgotten I had sent her a recipe for pumpkin cheesecake I found online. SHE HAD MADE IT. A great surprise.

Baker's Square French Silk.

*Purposeful non-capitalization.


KDunt said...

I dig what you said about Christmas, I too love the build up, christmas cheer, music, general happiness (as long as you're not shopping). But Jesus wasn't born in December, people have all kinds of theories, but the reason Christmas is in December is because christians were trying to convert "barbarians" in the middle ages. So when they were celebrating the Winter solstice in December, the christians came in and tried to change that celebration into one for the birth of Jesus. Kinda strange, but fascinating of course :) And I get SO tired of the consumerism, it's outrageous. I mean Jesus is the man, but all the hype is just too much.

Family is the best, and I also feel extremely fortunate to have such an amazing family. We're SO BLESSED!!!

AliceOutOfContext said...

Wow! What great biblical knowledge you are able to drop. WHATDJA GET A DEGREE IN RELIGION OR SOMETHING?