Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Day Began with a Cockroach

The day began with a cockroach. I woke up at 5, stumbled into the bathroom and saw, truly, the biggest cockroach I'd ever seen perched on the shower curtain. And so I had to call out (apologetically) for Puhg to wake up as I kept my eyes fixed on the little guy. After a harrowing chase, Puhg trapped the roach in a wad of paper towel and threw it over the balcony. Then he went back to bed. And I went to the picket line.

Zipped to the studio at sunrise. Grabbed a sign, was assigned a gate, walked back and forth 10-thousand steps with writers I'd never met before until relief came. And the relief was Tira! Hugged my friend I love and never see, jogged to my car thinking I wish I hadn't chatted so long. I'm not gonna have time for coffee. And right then I get a text from AP asking if I'd like Starbucks. I don't want to be a bother but do end up asking if I can have a paper cup instead of plastic. I can't help myself. I blast Taylor Swift all the way to the studio. Once I arrive I change from sweaty pink coveralls and into a dress. We sing "Karma" acapella.

Our trio preps for the day. We record an episode I wrote with such a dream team. They are hilarious. They are hilarious doing my lines! One very sweetly gives me an autograph for Shell and her wife, huge fans. There's a long lag between sessions. The prod co asks if we want to order in for lunch. AP suggests a nice walk. Cowsk, she, and I hit Hollywood. We sit at an open window in the side of salad place and talk about everything but work. It's a chilly day, but a spring day. I sneakily get the check. It's sort of ridiculous because they're them and I'm me, but it's kind of funny and feels right.

The second episode is a complete treat. Four incredibly talented women doing another episode I wrote! I can't believe I am piping in from the mixing room. "That's great TF, but could we try one where you say joke joke joke?" At one point everyone is in tears laughing. I don't even absorb it because I'm so focused on professionalism, but when it's time to validate my parking and steal two Kit Kats from the kitchen, it all floods me. Is this my real life?

I come home to the love of my life, chatter his ear off, post on Instagram, lay in bed, we're watching the Suns. Later I think I'm gonna eat an entire bag of cheese puffs and maybe journal. Or maybe catch up on Succession.

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