Monday, September 21, 2020


A good thing to know is that I'm not mean. Sometimes I'm about to share something with Puhg and preface it with, "Can I share a troll thought?" Code for, "Here comes something judgey or perhaps cynical." But never a mean thought. Most of the time I'm sharing said thorn because I want to know why it cuts me so deeply. Why do I care what some other dumb dumb does anyway?

At a former job this person gave a coworker and me a lot of grief. I suggested to my coworker we have a candid meeting, the three of us, and discuss her attitude. My coworker said she shouldn't. She was afraid of what she would say. I was like, "Why don't we plan what to say?" And she was like, "Right, but she'll say something I won't like and I'll say something really inappropriate." I heard her, but I couldn't relate. Still can't. She even told me a story about how she blew up at her roommate once. Screaming over a collection of small issues. She described it like a weird exorcism. I don't think that's ever happened to me. I've been mad and I've been sharp, but I've never just said things.

Or my friend Lav explaining that in the midst of arguing with her boyfriend she will deliver low blows. Harsh bullets, secretly stored away. The opinions may or may not even be true. It's no big deal to her. "Oh I said xyz because I was mad even though it's actually abc." Huh?

I think I could make something up that would really dig into a person's insecurities? I've seen it done on teen girl shows for sure. In political dramas. I have been brutally honest. Even though I didn't mean to be. But it was never malicious. Do I get points for this?

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