Friday, February 24, 2012

5 Theatre Thangs Today

1. Audition for a part-improvised TV show this morning.

2. Lead kiddos on Chelle's high school track team in some improv games as a fun warm-up.

3. Performing in a community art project (Encyclo Show).

4. Sketch show.

5. Birthday party for peer--Rabbit. Went with Boulder, and all the lovelies I never see any more were in attendance. Mmmm theatre/education/grad talk. Drink it up with the big piece of cookies and cream cake.

I feel tired. Happy about my life, creative, inspired, but not sustainable. Not like I CAN'T keep pushing and doing all this stuff and being inventive and silly and yelling and goofing forever, but that I don't think I WANT to. I don't think that's failure though. Getting something out of your system is anything BUT. It's giving yourself the opportunity to shove your being in a trash compactor and make room for the new.

After sketch tonight I was about to bike off into the thick dessert darkness, and Chelle and Bug walked me to my bike. We talked about how good last night felt--the ol' gang. Bug said, "It's like that Girl Scout song"--which I sang as I pedaled to Boulder's. All silver and gold. AND gold.

The lil 15 year olds pole vaulting made me remember and love my 15 year old life. Sketches are sketches. Performances can always go better. My heart fills over a whole wheat breakfast burrito in the middle of the sunniest AZ day. And gold.

Make new friends, but keep the old.
One is silver and the other gold.

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