Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Decemberists

A couple weeks ago I was walking to my sister's apartment, and I passed a couple on the road.

"HEY!" The girl dropped her boyfriend's hand and scampered toward me. "I heard you like The Decemberists!" Her eyes, perched on her flat circular face, were wide with excitement. I was, of course, caught off guard. I didn't know this girl. "," I replied. I don't really like The Decemberists that much. They're a little bit "wah-wah moody mood" for me. But, I felt bad. She blushed and inched back to her beau trailing off the conversation while going: "Oh...not even...a little? Uh...well..."

I walked on and told my sister about it. I described the gal and Pookie vaguely knew her. She probably got us confused as many people do because Katie does enjoy The Decemberists quite a bit. She probably wanted to invite me/her/us to a concert or something--just the kind of thing small communities need, right? Using gossip about interests for good over evil. Anyway, I felt bad for being so curt. I was just surprised.

We do look alike. Summer 2010.

Anyway, a couple days ago my sister saw this same girl somewhere, and picking up the ball I dropped forwardly smiled and said, "I hear you like The Decemberists?" Raising her eyebrows and narrowing her lips the girl answered, "I know The Decemberists. One of them went to my high school."

A. That hardly means anything. Robin Tunney went to my junior high. You don't see me freakin' out and promoting The Craft. And, B. Nuts to a community! She just wanted to brag to a potential fan.

1 comment:

Katie Jane said...

The actual stated connection: "Yeah. The drummer's mom was my gym teacher."