Saturday, July 25, 2020

Chips Ahoy!

We eat so much at home and we hate our plates. They're ugly. They're heavy and have loud fruit patterns on the edges. They make every meal look off-kilter, manic. They were appreciated when we moved into our Chicago apartment with nothing. They were free, leftover from my grandmother. They served their purpose. The other morning, I went on Craigslist to find a new set. I found this ADORABLE little collection of creepy plates. Dessert plates with teeth and rats on them. I sent it to Puhg. He agreed they were cute but way too small. I mean, they are. And my grandmother's dessert plates are a different story. We love those. He said, "You could fit, like, ONE Chips Ahoy on there." His distain made me laugh. I laughed and laughed. Why was that so funny? Specific I guess. We don't even eat Chips Ahoy. We're a dough tub household with Girl Scout cookies rising.

I closed my phone. I went to the kitchen for a glass of water before my run. Puhg went onto the balcony to lift weights. Then he started knocking on the glass. He motioned "Come. Look!" I went outside to see right in front of our building a GIANT Chips Ahoy truck. Isn't that weird, he asked. I nodded. Then I laughed again. Like what even is all this. We had never seen such a truck before, will likely never see it again.

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