Monday, March 2, 2020

On Second Thought

Today at the MOCA I viewed this black and white photo of some art in nature. It was a piece in a room about temporary art--like the glass cube which requires shipment in a plain FedEx box every time it goes to a new museum or the little pile of Baci chocolates on the ground. Basically, some guy sculpted a big neat hallway in a random hillside. He told curators no, do not do any upkeep on the project. The point is to showcase how we are hurting nature. I looked at the photo for a while. Then I kept reading the plaque. In such a professional manner it continued, "After some time the artist changed his mind." Meaning this clown was at first willing to give up his work to the void of ego and environmentalism. And then he probably remembered his mortality and now a picture of his pristine little dirt show is hanging up in one of the fanciest museums in the country.

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