Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Since he was elected I try to earnestly avoid watching him or hearing his voice. He makes my blood boil, and the anger is not good for me. But I've been seeing more clips lately, obviously, and it's helping me understand but of course making me irate.

If you were just listening to the cadence of voices he seems to be the only person making sense. The way people ask questions kindly or directly or aggressively and he has the terrible burden of shutting them down--at once the heavy crowned head and the tired victim. He rolls his eyes and repeats the same untrue, canned phrases. I beg we no longer allow him to speak. He has killed people with his Twitter medical advice. But if you are not smart or perhaps if you came from an abusive family where the most wretched person was to be idolized, he looks saintly.

I thought I would never hate him as much as I did on November 9th, and then the floor kept getting lower and lower, and I just can't believe I'm still on this elevator, breaking past the concrete in the basement.

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