Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wrote This Quickly Because I Told Myself to Write Something and My Meter Is Almost Up So

Last night I got home at 11 PM and I wondered if the apartment light would be on sometimes Puhg is alseep after all so imagine my surprise when I looked up from the gate to see Puhg in the flesh standing at the corner of the balcony with the spray bottle for our succulents aiming right at me I laughed and laughed, what a good bit I love him so much Dizz visited this weekend (!) for stuffy pizza and board games mid-day she kept commenting how we were so respectful of each other and I don't even notice anymore it was nice to have someone observe and then also nice to get coffee like neighborhood friends might I was very lucky in general I've been feeling lucky last night, the reason I was out until eleven is I had a mentor meeting in Culver City it was paid for by our guild so oh man did we go all out there was a giant fish at the table I had an entire artichoke and also the Ovaltine cake and a peanut salad people are generally kind even though people always say this industry is evil or maybe I am as I already said just so lucky the woman who gave us advice was a big believer in be a good writer and you will find work, you will you will I mean right before the dinner I was at Target buying shirts for my shows in Edinburgh and before that I had really a truly delightful easy breezy meeting with people who make things I admire and they told me no they wouldn't be making my thing so solemnly like it would be a blow when jokes on them I didn't even know I was at the level where they were considering it, what a win, what a win in the afternoon I had popcorn and watched TV and there was networking in the morning and it's very hot but I wear sunscreen every day now I have learned that's a thing and I am surprised by how quickly I am doing it all out, even my rose serum.

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