Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dear Evan Hansen, You Are A Sociopath (Spoilers)

1. It's not a funny bit to nod your head and agree with lies a grieving mother is grappling with. It's not even funny if you were just "following the advice of a friend." I wasn't laughing.

2. You committed fraud on a huge level. You stole 50K.

3. You left a memorial to a dead person based on something the dead person hated. Connor's mom told you Connor hated the old apple orchard. Now, he is immortalized in an apple orchard. It's like if I died and you raised money for a ham factory to be resurrected in my honor.

4. Oh boo hoo, you didn't have a college fund. Welcome to America, Evan. 1% of people's parents pay for college. You never even filled out a single scholarship essay from the heap your mom spent hours compiling.

5. Your mom works a lot and your dad left. This is hard. Does it justify using a traumatized girl's dead brother's death as a bargaining chip in a romantic relationship with her? No.

6. You rewrote someone's life and never set the record straight.

7. You made your mom feel guilty for a bad partner out of her control.

8. You were not punished for a single one of your illegal, terrible, ridiculous actions and yet you still managed to feel sorry for yourself.

I am very over stories of men who see themselves as underdogs and thus feel entitled to bend societal and literal legal rules to fully experience their privilege. Some of the music was very good.

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