Thursday, June 20, 2024

solstice is stupid this year

two cockroaches in the apartment, empty promises from every stupid person in this town

rich people say they love my work then chuck it and run off to the Hamptons while I fry alive in this wretched place

but it's not just business, I can handle being unwanted but I'd rather just know instead of find out

tore the whole place apart looking for my credit card

I was getting an award tonight so I dressed up in a big stupid dress with stupid boots and drove an hour across town but my manager realized she was sick the moment we met so she bailed and I sat like an idiot at the fancy restaurant wondering if I should buy the stupid $22 salad anyway because I was so hungry but also so depressed, the waiter never came so I didn’t have to decide, I just left

walked to a diner instead, had my Coke and veggie burger in a booth alone, it was $20 and it all may have been salvaged if I had my book but I didn't

went stag to the ceremony, couldn't even fake it, basically dead as someone ran up to me after "are you just so excited?!" for what I wanted to scream at them for exactly what would I be excited about

forget it let the sun sink into the ocean and take me with her

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