Friday, November 3, 2023

AWRGFTGAR -- Nov 2, 2023

7:30 balcony journaling

8:00 Taylor Swift dance workout

8:30 getting ready and bothering the ham and chattering around the house

9:30 out the dang door to the swanky coffee shop

10:00 revising my play over a hot cinnamon roll, sending emails of interest

11:00 M____'s office for a meeting with the exec for my new show and a potential showrunner, she is excellent, we ask her to come onboard

12:30 call with Cowsk about the podcast

1:00 home for a broccoli bowl with Puhg on the patio

2:00 rehearsal for B___'s solo show, I sit in the dark corner and take dramaturg notes

4:30 rush home to review notes from the day, shove in a couple emails

5:00 zoom with the EP of our musical comedy movie and discuss who to approach as the lead, laugh at how cruel Hollywood is ("well she has an Oscar, but would she get us buzz?")

6:00 cram crackers and cheese in my mouth

6:20 walk around the neighborhood on the phone with my sister

7:00 rush around closing up and getting dressed

7:30 arrive at the clown theatre to see a puppet musical by a young writer I know--it's so great, I am so happy for her

10:00 Marco Polo Lavender in the car, then scream 1989 all the way home

10:30 greet Puhg and the ham, make vegan buffalo wings with ranch and eat them in bed talking about everything and nothing until I fall asleep just before midnight

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