Sunday, November 7, 2021

Paper Book

Friday had an early dinner under twinkle lit patios in the neighborhood. Told Puhg about the coincidences I've been having lately. The same Broadway actress showing up in my TikTok, then my thoughts, then getting an invite from her executive for a meeting, then a friend knows that exec, then this person is national news. Or how I keep seeing ads for banana-flavored treats. I hunted Spotify for a Greenday song Thursday morning only to hear it on the radio on my way to the girl group sleepover, where RC mentioned it unprompted. We watched Jawbreaker and listened to Alanis Morrisette.

After falafel I mentioned I needed to stop by the bookstore for a pick up. The streets were buzzing. I slipped in, said my name, and the worker gave me a paper-wrapped package. I honestly forgot what the book was. I read a review in the middle of the night and ordered it half-conscious. Some little surprise for later. I rarely buy books. On the sidewalk I had the thought, "I should finish Danse Macabre. I always forget because it's on my Kindle." Puhg turned to me and asked, "Have you heard of the book Danse Macabre?"

Although there was no reason for celebration the night was too fall perfect and the street buzz too inviting, so I stopped at the Midwestern ice cream chain for a pint of banana.

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