Friday, July 30, 2021

Pink Cup Calls

There was a toilet paper emergency Monday morning at 8 am. I swore there was a full roll Sunday and somehow. I laced up for the grocery store to right it, carrying my favorite tumbler with me. Pink, plastic, full to the brim of water and ice. A rare gloomy LA day, wet walks and fewer sunglassed photo-ready folks with dogs on patios. Some cafe smoking bread. The new spot's construction finally starting after the building was bought early last year.

In the shop I got my favorite chocolate bar, the tp, bananas for Puhg. As I chose my bunch, I juggled all the items. I went through the fifteen items or less line. The cashier told me karma always works, just you see. "Sometimes it takes a while though!" I replied. (I do not believe karma always works. I think, for the most part, it sadly does not.)

Dropped my sunglasses back on and walked to the exit. As the automatic doors swooshed I heard, "You forgot." It was the cashier, but when I turned around she was chatting with another customer, hands busily scanning. Huh. I went home only to realize I didn't have my beloved tumbler. I imagined where I set it, I remembered, by the bananas. I saw the cup in my mind's eye whispering out at me.

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