Sunday, January 24, 2021

Tile by Tile

So often when we need to relax we think of the things that will relax us. And I do love these things, I do. Massages and cream puffs and sparkling tonics and clicking BUY on Etsy and send a flurry of witty texts out to numerous folks and posting and receiving the little hearts in return. These things do their best to meet the unsaid need, but sometimes. Sometimes we are probably stocked to the brim of all and don't need anything else. A pool floatie so aired it might pop any moment. It begs for someone to unclasp that little plastic nozzle.

The joke of "haha it's a boring Saturday night in a pandemic" has gotten so very old. It's the oldest, saddest joke I've ever heard at this point. Partially because it's so obnoxiously routine for some of us and a distant memory for others. But last night I made a veggie pot pie. I scrapbooked while watching a documentary about near-death experiences. We played Rummikub and put on a garage sale Taylor Swift record. Touched the tiles, won the first game, lost the second. Welcome to New York spun on. And I didn't want to eat any more snacks so I had a tea. A real tea full of leaves and scents and roots. Painted my nails and watched a movie. It wasn't hard to sleep.

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