Monday, September 9, 2019

Don't Text People Before Their Shows

This is a very specific pet peeve of mine. Don't Text People Before Their Shows Saying "I Can't Make It." UNLESS that person is depending on you for some reason post-show like they were your ride home or your solitary Friday night plans. But if not, just let the person be. They're already putting themselves out there, attempting vulnerability on this lame planet, and then you're gonna creep in with "Hey, someone you thought might support you (me) isn't going to!" banner. I found this true for my most recent birthday party as well. The couple people who texted me during the party saying they weren't coming just made me annoyed on my birthday, made it about them when I was surrounded with other people I wanted to give attention to. Meanwhile a different friend who RSVP'd an ENTHUSIASTIC YES never showed. I forgot, two days later he text apologized he double-booked, and I really didn't care.

I'm trying very very hard not to hold any grudges in this life, but I still turn to stone thinking of a nice comedy friend I met in Chicago a few years ago. We saw a play together (as is a customary first friend hang in that missable culture hub) and she went on and on that she wanted the path I had. I invited her to my homegrown sketch show, and she texted me day of she wasn't going to make it. Okay. A year later I was in a weekly show at THE most accessible theatre--the show she wanted to be in--and when I'd bump into to her she was like, "omg I MUST see it!" Never came. Texted me gd after my solo show closed (which I felt good about) "sorry I'm so busy!" Like, stop reminding me you don't care about me!?

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