Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Review on the Year & Goals

Usually I try to make this blog universal, inviting, generally not just about the day-to-day of my own life, but this entry is going to be a selfish.

2010 is almost over, and I would like to reflect on it. This year has been very very full.
I gots to sems at ACTF (and had a great trip), directed a wonderful season of LZ, was in Bradley's one-act, had my sister move closer, roomed with Muff, Yatchface, Grinz, wrote a play, performed a play, was in Robin Hood with Stripes, had a ridiculous amount of birthday celebration, graduated college, spent the best summer yet working at camp, had difficulties with my living situation, with my car, with my jobs, went through two break-ups, performed a lovely wedding, and found an improv company I really enjoy. Had a great old friend visit--that's happening right now.

Slou--here now :)

I had two resolutions last year, which I took on admirably, and I will continue to take on in this upcoming year:
-Don't drink as much coffee. I did very well, but I could do better.
-Don't talk about race or age unless it is super significant to the conversation. Also, I did well, but really just want this as a habit.

Last summer I made five goals for the upcoming school/work year (until June 2011) and I'm making good progress.
-Visit aunt and grandfather in Wisconsin: Check
-Pray everyday: Getting there
-Run a 10K: Planning on running more this spring
-Get Published in some CS Literature: Submitted
-Go to Germany: Planning

Thanks for listening to my goals. You're a million percent more likely to get what you want and behave how you want if you tell other people and stay honest about it.

Put your mind to it, go for it, you're gunna break a sweat.


KDunt said...

You're great :) Why Germany?

AliceOutOfContext said...

My dad was stationed there during his military time. Gunna go see it with him.