Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Beefs

1. When people refer to the central idea or problem as "the meat." "The meat of the story..." etc. Lame. Let's try to get rid of meat, not say it's important. The "meat" of a meal doesn't have to be meat. We can say "The main course of the story"?

2. Just tried the 30 Day Shred yesterday with Jillian Michaels. It was very enjoyable, and I even feel a lil sore! I have a theory that only NBC is actually marketing Jillian as America's hottest woman/toughest lady because...she's obviously fit, but I don't think she's that hott. The video starts with her being like, "I guess you've heard I'm the toughest trainer ever." From who has that been spread besides her? The oldest trick in the book.

3. Still patiently awaiting being settled. My dad gave me some good advice saying--nothing ever feels right at first. Sad, but I found it true. The beginning just feels weird, different, because it is. It's a beginning. He explained moving into his new apartment years ago with only a book and a sleeping bag. Now, that would be weird, but now he is so happy. So...SO!

Come back Muff, 3/10

But I'm still loco enough to choke you to death with a Charleston Chew.

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