Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Killers

There are a few things I have come to realize are killers for me. I would guess they're not killers for everyone, but they have the capability to make me feel miserable. I think it is sad to be restrictive to yourself, but I DO think it is wonderful to realize what makes you feel bad or good and to have the bold thought to stop or start--whatever you need.

Without further ado, my realized killers:

-Not having a book I'm currently reading
-Not going outside at least twice in one day
-Lack of exercise
-Lack of spiritual reflection time
-Inability to write
-Potatoes (besides baked)
-Copious driving
-Waiting to do laundry until the last minute
-Messy living quarters
-Meat and Fish
-Not showering for longer than two days
-Fashion/Women's Magazines
-Too much peanut butter
-Too many Republicans
-Not enough contact from my Koh Hos

We shouted out into the sky, 'We're never gunna die!'"

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