Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Treat Yo'Self 2012

Breakfast & Lunch Berries

Last week I decided that partially in honor of new music coming out and partially grieving my Chicago trip, I would have Treat Yo'Self 2012 yesterday. It wasn't too bonkers indulgent, but I did--
1. Wear my favorite pair of underwear and shorts.
2. Go on a long, relaxing run.
3. Buy fresh blueberries for lunch and Chipotle for dinner.
4. Have to grade, but I ate pretzel M&Ms while doing so.
5. Buy new Aimee & Kanye.
6. Get a pedicure.
7. Had a good improv rehearsal with my lady troupe.
8. Go to bed early.

Last week when I was scheduling my pedi, I thought, "I have no problem justifying this. This is a nice thing. I'm generally frugal, and I haven't gotten a pedicure in about two years." But for some reason I thought of Rye--my fellow second-year playwright with two itty bitty kiddies. Man, he is for sure not planning "Treat Yo'Self" days. He is planning How-Will-I-Possibily-Finish-My-Homework-And-Change-All-the-Diapers Days.

Every once in a while, I feel like single people get a bad rap. Yeah, there are ups and downs, but right now it's really nice to be tethered to nothing, to spend an entire day--the day of my choosing--pampering myself. I remember the first time Kay and I broke up in college, although I was still bruised, feeling an unquestionable bounce when after play rehearsal one night, Rex asked me to go to the pub, and I realized I had no one to check-in with. It was the light at the end of the tunnel--a light that shines on me now, like a high-powered spot.

No man is an island,
no man is a fool.

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