Thursday, May 20, 2010

Like Me Part Dos

Again, more for me, the birthday continued:

-cards from my parents (after they were veggies for a month)
-out to a lil dinner at a fancy lil restaurant
-got sang to during pre-show metaphysical
-was quietly told Happy Birthday onstage by Xtian
-a bundle of chocolates wrapped up with love
-flower from a viewer
-magnet featuring my dear friend Kurt Vonnegut
-homemade chocolate cake from scratch near midnight

Seems like I'm in for a twister.
I don't see a rainbow. Do you?

1 comment:

Mychal said...

Hello, fellow Stanley. That is my last name, too. I am reading your blog now because you said I should. Please stay in touch!

Also, my blog is on livejournal if you want to read mine. Pretty much all I do is movie reviews though, but sometimes I write things about myself. It is here:

Okay, I'm done!