Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dwayne the Bathtub

(for those who will appreciate this conversation)

Mia: have you ever seen the movie pulse?
Mia: that is a totally unrelated question
Me: Uh uh.
Mia: its about some thing that kills people through the wireless internet/ cell phones
and i was thinking how prin would have been somewhere you could hide from that but now you have a tower
so sucks to be you. you'll die like the rest of us.

Can't title my capstone. Shouldn't that be easy? I feel like a loser. If I've written the darn thing, I should at least have a title...but now. Nothing. I'm tired from kickboxing and poor sleeping schedules. No exciting stuff here.


Henne: but i suppose i know more about than you do me as i read your blog from time to time. all the pookie and LZ i can handle.

I'm dwowning!

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