Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The End of the Story

Bradley and I post Lazy Zip, February

Someone once told me he used to read my blog, but he was frustrated most of the time because I only ever tell the first half of stories, and I never finish what I am saying.

I just realized this is true about my auditions a couple weeks ago. I wrote about my audition and hopes, but never offered the satisfying finish. My dreams came true as I was awarded the part of Lady Quigley--Maid Marion's serving wench. The cast is phenomenal, and, yes, I get to be in scenes with both Bradley and Stripes. So, mystery solved if you were wondering.

It's late and this grate won't come down, come down. It's late and this grate won't come down.

1 comment:

courtneyfloatsyourboat said...

Most beautiful picture ever.