Sunday, January 17, 2010


Yesterday was Errands Day with Pookie. We left at 8 AM and I got back to school at near 7 PM. Woofland. It was successful, but a day of successful errands always feels like a failure. You come back beat, tired, and poor. But, if I make a list of what I did yesterday, I will feel less stressed about what I have to do in the next hour before I leave for my acting competition.

-Mac Store. Bernie was sent away for another repair.
-Shoes. Needed black kicks for the trip. Got bonus sale sandals and a new pair of tennis shoes (sans holes).
-Coffee. With a friend of Pookie's.
-Target. Leggings for da cold, tampons, and toothpaste. Awesome.
-Whole Foods. Sushi break.
-Galleria. New Sweater for my competition.
-PetSmart. Food for Blanchie.

There were many more stops, but they were for Pookie, so I just waited patiently. Her bank, her gym, the Cupcakery, etc.

Finally! I was back at school with my phone ringing off the hook. I was totally unproductive:
-played piano with KHO
-talked with Muff
-had Bradley and The Sitch run into my room topless blasting dance music and grinding on me (I screamed)
-watched (and danced) as Kay DJed a dance party in the science building atrium
-wrote half my newspaper article (that was due Friday) and passed out

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