Friday, May 31, 2013

Haircut (Cute without the E, Cut from the Team...Okay, Going to Light Myself on Fire for That Ref Sry, Guyz)

1. I have previously had problems with stress-cutting my hair.
2. I have no talent for hair styling, so it's not a cute problem.
3. Please reference any photo from the year I transferred high schools.
4. If you have none, take a picture of me you do have, and then add a little boink of hair sticking straight up in the back.
5. When I moved to the desert, it was time to have hair I could style like a grad student and instructor. It was time to grow my hair out for Locks of Love.
6. It took two years, but it was finally long enough to cut this month.
7. I was very scared. I loved my locks of love.
8. But, summer is hot, and I will be spending some weeks in the forest and lakes of Michigan. Long hair is a sand trap.
9. Locks of Love is a semi-lame insitution. This I learned from an article in Forbes sent to me by Bisque.
10. So. Exactly two weeks ago, I chopped off eight inches of my mane and put it in the mail to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.
11. I feel less put together with short hair. Younger. Goober-y. And I don't think I'm making it up that people treat me differently? Now that I write that, yes, it sounds made up.
12. Regardless of if I like it or not, my hair is what it is. It's lighter and freer and easier to maintain. I know it's not exactly volunteer work to just put your unwanted fur in a bag and send it through the USPS, but I do feel good. Right before I sat down in the beautician's seat, I almost called it all off. I gulped. I remembered people I love who have been taken by disease. And I relaxed. Little actions matter.

Cut off all of your hair.
Did you flinch, did you care?
Did he look, did he stop and stare
at your brand new hair?
Local boy, local news.
Power lines, hangin' boots.
Firemen in their trucks cut loose
a local boy's shoes.
Cadillac, cadillac.
Businessmen dressed in slacks.
I'm gonna buy one for us when I get back--
a big cadillac.

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