Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This term I am auditing a class called Advanced Writing Seminar. It is the training course for tutors. I never took it as a student, but the skills it teaches would make me way better at the instructing parts of my job.

We have only had one class so far. I was immediately shocked by being back in the classroom. I don't know exactly why. I work at a high school and a college. I appreciate learning, and try to make as many things as possible educational. Just ask my sister. We can't get through even an episode of The Vampire Diaries without me needing to pause and ask her several reflective questions about relationships, writing, art, or wooden stakes.

So, why did I freak out when a syllabus was suddenly in my hand. IT'S BACK! MY ACADEMIC LIFE IS BAAAAAACK!

But, I just did the reading for tomorrow's class. I quieted the busy blank of brainwaves. I folded myself up in my pink comforter. I held a highlighter and waded through the information. A cool night, dark water, lily pads, a boat barely knocking the dock.

Summer 2010, photo by Dunt

It felt good.

When the sun came up. We were sleeping in. Sunk inside our blankets.

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