Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stars, In Their Multitudes

a year ago, LZ pub show, we play Rant Symphony

For the past two years of school it has been exceedingly rare I be awake at this time of night. I've come accustomed to the early mornings of running and work--the early nights of sleep. But, oh, nights like tonight, staying effortlessly awake while listening to Les Miserables and finishing all my work...

My first two years of college I was always up at 2 AM. Just as a rule really. I miss this time of life--quiet productivity, long lingering talks with lovers and friends, regular meals at midnight.

I am, have always been, a morning person. I enjoy waking up and moving immediately. I get so much done from 7 AM-10 AM. Sincerely. But, there is a different kind of progress at night. I have proven goodness all day long, and I am surrounded by happiness and gratitude for those who made the Love of the day possible. Today, for example, it was Huntie--a great scene partner. My sister, my dinner date. A professor inviting Muff and I over for a film and dessert this weekend. The cast of LZ--I love them all.

See? If I can just make it through my days to the juices of pre-sleep satisfaction, I can make it.

a ghost you say, a ghost may be, she was just like a ghost to me

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