Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Watching this documentary on advertising and women last night called "Killing Us Softly 3" wasn't, you know, completely inspiring or anything. But, I did glean one awakening for myself. Although I am, for some reason, one of the lucky girls who is pretty much totally content with my self-esteem, NOT being "perfect" is still certainly a fact I have accepted about myself. I had never realized that I feel that way. It's like...I am totally content with Me, but I still succomb to the idea that there is greater beauty and more fabulous appeal out there that I just won't ever have. I think I can safely say that most women feel this way. Even models. Maybe especially models.

Once I realized this, I was struck by something even more saddening. Does that mean most guys are aware of this concept not only for themselves, but for girls they date? When a guy dates a beautiful and wonderful girl, does he think "this is the best--at least for what I can do. Do I feel that way about men?

A castmate from Wonderful Town once shared with me how in our English definition, Perfection seems to be the most and best--on the edge or totally ungraspable. In an African language (excuse me for forgetting) the English "Perfect" was determined to mean "not too much and not too little".

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